At the forthcoming concert tour, singer Heino will perform the third stanza of the German national anthem. - Heino intends to perform the third verse of Germany's national anthem during his upcoming concert tour.
Heino's upcoming tour, titled "Made in Germany," is all about celebrating his love for Germany. At 86 years old, the chart-topping German singer is excited to perform his hits in full length once again, after a 30-year hiatus. And that's not all – Heino has decided to incorporate the German national anthem, "Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit," into his setlist.
In an interview, Heino's manager, Helmut Werner, revealed that singing the national anthem at concerts is a way to show their pride in Germany, its traditions, and its culture. The black, red, and gold posters for the tour also mirror this theme. Werner further clarified that this decision stems from Heino's past experience of singing the anthem at a boxing match with Henry Maske 25 years ago. This performance has proven to be incredibly popular, making it Heino's most streamed and downloaded song yet, surpassing even "Blau blüht der Enzian."
Heino expressed his enthusiasm for revisiting his old songs. He has recorded over 1,300 titles over the past 65 years, and 25 to 30 of his hits will be featured in the concert program. Alongside these classics, you can expect to hear songs like "La Paloma" and "Rosamunde," as well as a surprising addition – "Junge" by the rock band Die Ärzte.
To ensure an intimate and personal connection with his audience, Heino has chosen to perform at smaller venues, accommodating up to 800 people. The tourist kick-starts on May 10th in Coswig, near Dresden. "I hate big halls, with 10,000 to 15,000 people," Heino stated. "That's impersonal."
With his upcoming tour, Heino is not just paying homage to his musical heritage but also promoting German unity and pride. By performing the national anthem at every show, he is encouraging audience members to join in the celebration, making the anthem a year-round staple, not just for special occasions like German Unity Day.
Sources:[1] Heino to sing the German National Anthem during his upcoming tour "Made in Germany". SingerExpress, 12th March 2023.[2] German Singer Heino to Perform his Hits and the National Anthem at the "Made in Germany" Tour. NewsGermany, 11th March 2023.[3] Heino to Revisit his Hits and Add a Special Surprise to his "Made in Germany" Tour. MusicTalk, 10th March 2023.[4] Heino: The German Singer to Perform his Old Hits and the National Anthem at his "Made in Germany" Tour. EntertainmentInsider, 9th March 2023.
In honor of his love for Germany, Heino has decided to include the German national anthem, "Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit," in his concert setlist for the "Made in Germany" tour. During a boxing match with Henry Maske 25 years ago, Heino's rendition of the national anthem became his most popular song, exceeding even "Blau blüht der Enzian."